Thursday, October 23, 2008

Please...Take Only What You Can Eat!

Recently, one of my shops is having "All You Can Eat" for only RM39.90. As I serve the customers, I realised how sinful Malaysians can be! Though it's a buffet but what I can't understand is why do people take so much of food yet knowing that they can't finish it?

That's the biggest problem with the mentality with our people here! We tend to be greedy and take AS MUCH AS WE CAN, thinking that well since I have paid that amount I must eat till I die to make my money worth it. But did any part of their brains think about by eating this much will it make me sick? Or perhaps I might need to pay the doctor later when I over indulge myself?

I guess not, you can see it in their faces with the greed look.'s so cheap I will stuff as much food as possible into my stomach and I must make a double of what I've paid! But later, you will find them being too full and finishing only half of their plates!

I remember having bbq steamboat buffet in Penang, there was a group of 4 next to my table. They were laughing and teasing each other to see who can eat the most! Each takes a few plates and chuck in all the food into the pot. They started eating ferociously, like barbarians who hasn't eaten for days! Honestly, I felt embarrased as a Chinese sitting next to them. But they had such proud looks on their faces like they are so great! they continued the third round, they moved slower complaining to each other that they are getting full now. Starring at the 5 more plates staked up with food, they were asking each other "what should we do with the left over?" Knowing that there will be a penalty if food are wasted, one came up with a brilliant idea to chuck in all the food in to the soup so the owner will not realise it!

They were all so proud of the idea and left the place after completing the mission. I was SHOCKED to see how irresponsible and sinful people can get just because they paid RM17.90 for the food?!

What I'm trying to say is, whatever price you are paying PLEASE TAKE ONLY WHAT YOU CAN EAT! Don't waste food, as there are many people around the world who do not have the privilledge to even have a meal a day! There are so many children dying of starvation across the globe, and here we are wasting food!


Monday, October 20, 2008

More Children In Need Of Help!

Last 2 years I went on a bagpacking trip with my two best buddies, Chinger & Shirls. One of our stops was going to Siem Reap. The bus ride from Thai border to Siem Reap was dreadful with its bumpy and dusty roads, but we didn't have much choices since we were travelling on a low budget.

However, it turned out to be a life changing experience. I remember the bus took a stop near a small village for us to use the toilet, but all of us were shocked to see the situation and didn't dare to get down of the bus. There were so many children running towards our bus, practically screaming with JOY! They were really excited to see us, and started selling bracelets, fruits and some other stuffs.

It was a quick stop as it was getting late.. somewhere past midnight. The bus took us to some bagpacking lounge where we stayed for a night and left to a new place the next day. The new place is a common ground for all foreigners to stay..known as the Old Market Area. This is also a place where you will find most children who are beggars at a very young age! I was really shocked to find SO MANY CHILDREN being abandoned by their family. I was wondering to myself, why do they continue producing when they know well enough that they could not take care all of them? Perhaps to earn extra income for the family since they are forced to become beggars as young as 3 years old?

But why don't the government make change to the community instead of investing to its Airports & Casinos? Perhaps investing on the barren lands they have or boost their tourism industry by building more excessive roads into the tourist spots could help the community better! But instead the Khmer Rouge is vandalizing the people and the community has to live in fear most of the time.

I remember one of our tut tut drivers asked us where we were from. After knowing we were from Malaysia, he told us how lucky we were to at least have the chance to get proper education and career in life. He said he has a degree from his hometown but it is still difficult to get jobs around. Most people in Cambodia faces the same problem too.

As we reach Angkor Wat and many other temples around, we see children everywhere! Whether it's begging or selling fruits and accessories or serving food. Whatever they are doing, they speak REAL GOOD ENGLISH and they are really POLITE! I would say it's even better than our school children back in Malaysia!

Not all of them are always asking for money. I remember one of them asked me to give him some plasters to wrap his infected wound and some water to drink. Sadly I did not have any plaster with me but had only a bottle of water that I was drinking, which I gave it to him eventually. So every time I hear anyone who's visiting Angkor Wat, I'd asked them to get some plasters there! Same to you!

I always believe children are innocent and they should not be forced to slavery.. while some are even forced into prostitution! We should put a STOP in this inhumanity!

Children are gifts from God! They should be nurtured and loved to be great future leaders!

I couldn't do much since I'm still a small income earner. All I could do then was buying some kids dinner. It's a privilege to see someone enjoying a meal together with you and being real. I hope in future I could do more, or perhaps adopting one. I've been blessed with a loving adopted mother. I hope I can do so in future as well!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Continuation...Gambling Kills!

It's my first year in high school. I would say my mom and my new home has been my only family I've got. And I thank God.. every moment for having them! I could never hoped for any better. It has been the best, having a mom to love me so much. Cares for me so much. Treats me as her own. Giving me the best education. Giving me the freedom since young, and having the best for everything!

However, I still had to know why my parents left me. I had to know what went wrong. That was when my mom told me the truth of the whole story.

Right after I was born, my biological mom had an addiction to gambling. She gambled more than what she had, so bad that she started getting extra from loan sharks. That was when the fights started. My father was not very rich himself. He's just a sales person at a second hand car shop. So as the loan piles up and not being able to return, she had to run away. That's when she left for Taiwan to get a job to return what she owes.

During the first year, I was placed in a nanny's home from 8am to 9pm daily while my father works. But I cried every single day because I was beaten at the nanny's home. I was definitely ill-treated there, but my father had no other choices since he has to work. Nobody could take care of me then. I was sick and thin, not having the nutrition a 2 year old girl needs.

Later that year, the loan sharks were frustrated chasing for their returns. My father was worried if I get abducted in change for the money, so he find the nearest cousin he got to adopt me immediately. That was when I was brought to Penang and be given to a different family...And that was when I was seperated from my family and my siblings to start a new life..

Summary - Would you trade the money, happiness and family THAT YOU HAVE TODAY and put it in on the table thinking that YOU MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN & LIVE RICH tomorrow! Will you take the chance?

or Is it really worth it?..


Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Lifelong Journey

Pain makes you grow. Experience builds your character. Time changes everything.

These simple phrases summarizes of what I have become today.

Pain starts growing into hatred and in no time your heart hardens as you face through the difficulties in life. It wasn't my choice or my intention that it has to be this way. I wish I had a different path too.

Mine started at a very young age. I was never able to grow up as a normal kid. All along I strive to be successful, to be accepted, to win hearts, to get the attention, to be in the I never have to be ALONE.

The pain is unbearable..remembering how my parents left me at a stranger's home, whom I should be calling family. Sitting at the door step waiting.. and waiting. I was in tears everyday. I was only 2..why can't God have mercy on me and return a normal family back.I could never understand all of it, worst is I could never question about it. Anytime I talk about it, I'm told that I'm too young to understand. But I was not! I know what was going on. Listening to the fights, arguments and shouting. Something I could not interpret why this was happening.

Truthfully, I was in fear. Am I at fault? What is going to happen to me? Starring blankly at the wall, thinking to myself WHEN WILL THIS END? I WISH I WAS A GROWN UP TOO! But I could not change the situation. Decision has been made that I will be sent to a different home.

Thank was a beautiful loving home afterall and everyone loved me. I know I had to be good to be accepted because I have no where to go! I never dared to ask more, because I know I'm too young to understand. I just wish someone could tell me how my future could turn out to be!

I remember how I hated to go to airports ever since I had to send my mother off, to see her never returning again. I hated the feeling and I never like sending anyone off at the airport. It is heartbreaking knowing someone is leaving and will never come back to you again! Someone you needed most and wishing they were here for you..for just a little longer. The pain is worst that a cut in your heart. It's like a continual bleeding with a twist of lemon to intense the pain.

I waited for the day, and my wish came true on my 8th birthday. I could hardly recognize her when she was at the door step. I don't remember much about her. She has now become a stranger to me instead. As she approached me, she asked me if I missed her.. I just didn't know how to answer it. She said I have grown up..of course I did after all these years! I was suppose to call her "mom" but I don't remember her being there for me as a MOM. Where was she when I needed her to take me to bed? Where was she when I first went to school? Where was she during all my birthdays?

I could never understand it..perhaps I was too young to understand. Nobody even try to inform what was going on in my life! I just had to keep it to myself...
