That's the biggest problem with the mentality with our people here! We tend to be greedy and take AS MUCH AS WE CAN, thinking that well since I have paid that amount I must eat till I die to make my money worth it. But did any part of their brains think about by eating this much will it make me sick? Or perhaps I might need to pay the doctor later when I over indulge myself?
I guess not, you can see it in their faces with the greed look. Wow..it's so cheap I will stuff as much food as possible into my stomach and I must make a double of what I've paid! But later, you will find them being too full and finishing only half of their plates!
I remember having bbq steamboat buffet in Penang, there was a group of 4 next to my table. They were laughing and teasing each other to see who can eat the most! Each takes a few plates and chuck in all the food into the pot. They started eating ferociously, like barbarians who hasn't eaten for days! Honestly, I felt embarrased as a Chinese sitting next to them. But they had such proud looks on their faces like they are so great!
So..as they continued eating..like the third round, they moved slower complaining to each other that they are getting full now. Starring at the 5 more plates staked up with food, they were asking each other "what should we do with the left over?" Knowing that there will be a penalty if food are wasted, one came up with a brilliant idea to chuck in all the food in to the soup so the owner will not realise it!
They were all so proud of the idea and left the place after completing the mission. I was SHOCKED to see how irresponsible and sinful people can get just because they paid RM17.90 for the food?!
What I'm trying to say is, whatever price you are paying PLEASE TAKE ONLY WHAT YOU CAN EAT! Don't waste food, as there are many people around the world who do not have the privilledge to even have a meal a day! There are so many children dying of starvation across the globe, and here we are wasting food!

Hello again,
my new blog - is finally on ...
See you there, hopefully
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